Tobias made real help pages at e-tobi.net. Thanks a lot. Really very helpful!
Now i am trying to make my next VDR using "debian packaging". I can't use precompiled vdr because i need the "lnbsharing patch". But when i apply that patch, all binary plugins are rejected. That's OK.
Building vdr it self works so far, but.
But: How should a compile all these tons of plugins?
Is there somewhere a list (like patches) or script or have i to download each plugin, complie it, install it and than do the next as shown in the script?
Is that the intended way to go?
Any hints?
The script debian/vdraptrefresh seems to be something but it ia actually not...
Currenty i use these steps to "make" a debian package according to http://www.e-tobi.net/blog/articles/2004/09/21/das-vdr-quelltextpaket
vdr:~# cd /usr/src/vdr vdr:/usr/src/vdr# cat ../vdrgetsources #!/bin/sh
# last version. VER=1.4.7
# make sure paths exists. mkdir --parents /usr/src/vdr mkdir --parents /usr/src/vdr-plugin-mp3
# remove all old files cd /usr/src/vdr rm ver_$VDR*.dsc
# get new files apt-get source vdr apt-get build-dep vdr
# get vdr-plugin (???????????????????????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-------) cd /usr/src/vdr-plugin-mp3 apt-get source vdr-plugin-mp3 apt-get build-dep vdr-plugin-mp3
# Expand packages cd /usr/src/vdr for i in $(ls -1 vdr_$VER*dsc) do dpkg-source -x $i done
# compile vdr cd /usr/src/vdr/vdr-$VER
#check and display new patches if any. diff -Nau ../../00list.ref ./debian/patches/00list > ../../00list.new cat ../../00list.new
#generate patch list patch with my patch selection diff -Nau ../../00list.ref ../../00list > ../../00list.diff cat ../../00list.diff | patch ./debian/patches/00list
#exit dpkg-buildpackage -tc
# show rejected files if patches failed find . -name "*.rej"
# store the package data in the local repository cd /usr/src/vdr mkdir --parents /var/lib/vdr-repository rsync -p *.deb /var/lib/vdr-repository/
# bind the package cd /var/lib/vdr-repository/ echo " Archive: stable Component: main Origin: Meins! Label: Mein persoenliches Debian repository $(date --iso=seconds) Architecture: i386" >Release
dpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null | gzip -9c >Packages.gz
#patch /etc/apt/sources echo "deb file:/var/lib/vdr-repository ./" ls -al vdr*.deb
#install the package (may faill die to wrong plugins! echo "dpkg -i vdr-dev_$VER.deb"