I haven't been able to make rotor plugin work with the multiproto driver. I created dummy channel entries that have tone off (f < 11700) into beginning of each satellite position group in my channels.conf and now zapping with rotor plugin by pressing ok and then < and > keys works with 100% success. I have been looking at rotor plugin and didn't get idea how switching off tone could be syncronized to tuning and diseqc.conf sequences without possible negative influence to tuning. Or is there a guarantee for some order of execution? I wonder if it worked with the existing Linux kernel DVB-S driver with just good luck.
Wouldn't it be better to have in diseqc.conf possibility for this kind of setup
S19.2E 11700 V 9750 t V W15 G W15 v t S19.2E 99999 V 10600 t V W15 G W15 v T S19.2E 11700 H 9750 t V W15 G W15 V t S19.2E 99999 H 10600 t V W15 G W15 V T
where the continuous tone is first switched off, then LNB voltage is set to 18V for better rotor speed and then GotoX is sent with internal computation based on new position and geographic location, etc (to be added to vdr setup, e.g. LNB diseqc config page). There could blind be waiting of positioning inside G operation with estimate about rotor speed to avoid temporary tuning to intermediate positions. Finally the proper tone and voltage is set. This way there would be exact control when GotoX is issued. It would be possible to enable EIT scan and channel/multiplex updates with rotor without fear that it messes up channels.conf. With some more thinking the "t V W15" and "W15" should perhaps be put inside "G".
This could be done by utilizing code from rotor plugin this into dvbdevice.c
if (frontendType & (DVBFE_DELSYS_DVBS | DVBFE_DELSYS_DVBS2)) { unsigned int frequency = channel.Frequency(); if (Setup.DiSEqC) { cDiseqc *diseqc = Diseqcs.Get(channel.Source(), channel.Frequency(), channel.Polarization()); if (diseqc) { if (diseqc->Commands() && (!diseqcCommands || strcmp(diseqcCommands, diseqc->Commands()) != 0)) { cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions da; for (char *CurrentAction = NULL; (da = diseqc->Execute(&CurrentAction)) != cDiseqc::daNone; ) { switch (da) { case cDiseqc::daNone: break; case cDiseqc::daToneOff: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_OFF)); break; case cDiseqc::daToneOn: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_TONE, SEC_TONE_ON)); break; case cDiseqc::daVoltage13: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_13)); break; case cDiseqc::daVoltage18: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, SEC_VOLTAGE_18)); break; case cDiseqc::daMiniA: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_A)); break; case cDiseqc::daMiniB: CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, SEC_MINI_B)); break; case cDiseqc::daGotoX: {
int gotoXTable[10] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E }; int satlong = (Source & ~0xC800); if ((Source & 0xC000) != 0x8000) return; if (Source & 0x0800) satlong = satlong * (-1); int Long=data.GotoxEW ? -data.GotoxLong : data.GotoxLong; int Lat=data.GotoxSN ? -data.GotoxLat : data.GotoxLat; double azimuth=M_PI+atan(tan((satlong-Long)*M_PI/1800)/sin(Lat*M_PI/1800)); double x=acos(cos((satlong-Long)*M_PI/1800)*cos(Lat*M_PI/1800)); double elevation=atan((cos(x)-0.1513)/sin(x)); double SatHourangle=180+atan((-cos(elevation)*sin(azimuth))/(sin(elevation)*cos(Lat*M_PI/1800)
-cos(elevation)*sin(Lat*M_PI/1800)*cos(azimuth)))*180/M_PI; int tmp=(int)(fabs(180-SatHourangle)*10); tmp=(tmp/10)*0x10 + gotoXTable[ tmp % 10 ]; int p2=(tmp%0x0100); int p1=(tmp/0x0100); if (SatHourangle < 180) p1 |= 0xe0; else p1 |= 0xd0; DiseqcCommand(Gotox,p1,p2); }
But as vdr illiterate I couldn't figure how to check if the zapped source (diseqc->source?) is a new one to avoid generating unnecessary DiSEqC traffic and delays, and wondered to get a global variable for storing the previous position... help!
Or does this make sense?
Cheers, Seppo