On 9 March 2012 10:09, Niels Wagenaar n.wagenaar@xs4all.nl wrote:
Does anyone have vdr-sxfe running flawlessly as a local frontend for HD content?
I use a fully updated yaVDR 0.4 and I don't have any issues with the vdr-sxfe frontend.
Hmm. I have the same (yaVDR) running on an ION330 box. The channels I most have problems with are 1080i HD at bitrates of around 9-10 MB/s. Perhaps you could post your ~/.xine/config_xineliboutput to http://gist.github.com or http://paste.ubuntu.com ?
For me, XBMC with the xvdr plugin seems to produce very ackward results and most of the time I'm not able to watch anything because it's still synchronizing the channels
Yes, I don't use the xvdr plugin as it is still very buggy. I simply take the playlist of channels from streamdev (available at http://example.com:3000/ on your vdr box) and generate .strm files [1] which I access from a vanilla XBMC Eden via the Videos --> Files browser.
BTW, you do know that can play all kinds of media (including DVD's) with vdr-sxfe right? I use vdr-sxfe because it's one of the few frontends which allows mediaplayback without any additional plugins.
Yep I did know about these, but XBMC provides a much richer experience for DVD, Blu-ray playback. e.g., cataloguing and display of a library, automatic display framerate switching etc.
[1] http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Play_internet_video_and_audio_st...: