On 16.03.2008 22:55, Florian Gleixner wrote:
Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
For me personally playbackability with VDR was never a priority.
I've been using VDR for recording since Oktober 2000, back then i had to write my own cutting scripts, since VDR didn't had the cutting function until later. A few month later i began writing my Master-Timer. VDR has been the "recording slave" ever since. ;-)
Since 2003 i use vdrsync/tcmplex for the actual cutting (As it demultiplexes and remultiplexes the recording, i.e. it verifies that the recording is good(tm)) to single .mpg-files which i than watch & archive.
Mostly i playback at my computer, especially since i bought a 1920x1200 24" TFT a few month back, but for TV playback i also have a "Pinnacle Showcenter 200". I only use VDR playback to cut music-videos (or to find the beginning of a song i want to cut out, to be more precise), that's the only playback related feature where VDR excels anything else i have tried.
Over the years i've recorded more than 13.000 broadcasts, stored on 55 HDDs with a total capacity of 20 TB. ;-)
For me playbackability with VDR is really needed. I like dvbcut more than vdrsync because with the linear/logarithmic sliders you can really easy find start and end of ads or similar.
For find the cutting-marks i wrote my own browser based solution back in 2000 (with little improvements here and there over the years).
With it, it only takes seconds to find the begin & end of the recordings. No ads in my case. :-)
As long as dvbcut displays the frame-numbers, you could use something else for the actual cutting. My browser base solution is basically only for finding the frame-number offsets into the index.vdr. Then there is my next script that uses the begin/end offsets and pipes everything between those offsets into vdrsync for further processing.
IOW finding the cutting marks and the actual cutting doesn't necessarily have to be done by the same program.
For me this work-splitting is perfect as a known perfect(tm) recording is paramount for me. It can take months until i actual watch a recording, so i have to know immediatly if a recording is broken or not, so i can rerecord it (if possible).
I've never had a recording thas was damaged, after vdrsync was successfully done with it.
Bis denn