Ludwig Nussel writes:
I wonder whether reloading modules is still an appropriate action. Nowadays it's possible for example to bind/unbind drivers to/from specific devices. Ie if you have multiple dvb-ttpci cards it should be possible to reset a specific one. Maybe it would even be possible to implement some kind of reset ioctl in the kernel drivers so vdr doesn't need to rely on external scripts at all.
Oh, that would be wonderful ! It's only my ff card that crashes. I'm running vdr inside a domU (unfortunatly atm it's running 2.6.18). And after a while the firmware doesn't get loaded anymore => "saa7146_vv: saa7146_vv_init(): out of memory. aborting." (iirc, it's an old bug resolved in recent kernels)
By the way, does the budget patch fix the crashing of FF cards ? (I know it's not a fix, since i'm only using software decoders i might consider the modification if it prevents the ff from crashing)