Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
How does the attached PES file look like? In vdr-xine, I send it just once and it looks OK in xine.
When it looks ok, I'll have to search for the commands which created it ;-)
I think, I had specified an option to create progressive frames.
After running your file through
mplex -f 7 -o test.mpg noSignal.mpg
You're right. That's why it nolonger has the extension .pes ;-)
and displaying test.mpg trough cPlayer::PlayPes() I get a pefectly smooth display.
Would be great if you could find the commands that created this one.
See attachment. This is what file says about my input file:
noSignal.png: PNG image data, 720 x 576, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
One more thing: the 'file' command reports
MPEG sequence, v2, MP@ML interlaced Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video, 4CIF PAL, 4:3, 25 fps
on a file created with the posted script (before the mplex call), while for your noSignal.mpg it reports
MPEG sequence, v2, MP@ML interlaced Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video, CCIR/ITU PAL 625, 4:3, 25 fps
Maybe this indicates where the problem might be?
Don't think so.