Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Patrick Fischer wrote:
@Ripley's unglaubliche Welt will be saved as (only shown if I pipe "ll . > out.txt" and look at the file or by using xterm) @Ripley^As_unglaubliche_Welt
The single quote character is mapped to 0x01 so that in shell script it is guaranteed that no recording name contains such a character, and you can always be sure that enclosing a recording name in single quotes will work.
This is only true in classic mode. In VFAT-mode, unsafe characters like this are mapped to literal ascii codes, in this case '#27'.
Using ASCII control chars (0x01 alias SOH for ', 0x02 alias STX for /) in file names doesn't sound like a good idea to me anyway. Wouldn't it be better to use '#27' and '#2F' (and consequently '#23' for #) in non-VFAT mode too?