On Sat, 25 Jun 2005, Laz wrote:
What are the usb-driver-quirks that you mention? Are they usb DVB devices that you have?
Yes, I unload the DVB drivers before suspending and reload them after resuming. Because of the firmware load of the DVB-USB-devices (after firmware load they do a soft-reboot and appear as a "new" device) I had to add a small delay of 3 seconds, that's what I meant by quirk.
I've just been having another go at getting software suspend to work on an Epia-based vdr system with vdr-xine. I can get it to suspend and resume fairly easily with a 2.6.12 kernel and the latest patch set form www.suspend2.net but I can't get the DVB drivers to play nicely!
A suspend and restart brings it back up as it should and vdr starts but all I see is a black screen. I can change channel but I still get a black screen. I have yet to see if the DVB card (an old l64781 based Nova-T) is outputting a stream or not, and LIRC won't allow any connections after resuming (homebrew receiver). I have yet to try playing back a recording because it's a bit awkward without a remote!
Has anyone had any luck with software suspend and this type of card or LIRC?
Hmm I would simply stop and start the drivers/services which don't survive the hibernation.
Do I need to explicitly kill vdr and unload the drivers before suspending, and then reload and restart on startup?
Have a look in /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf - there are scriptlets-hooks which can be of help.
regards, Patrick.
-- Mail: patrick.boettcher@desy.de WWW: http://www.wi-bw.tfh-wildau.de/~pboettch/