I'm needing to reset my CAM periodically, and in order to do this I need to check it's status from outside VDR.
I've been doing the following, which is not ideal: if [ $((`tail -n $LINES /var/log/messages | grep 'vdr:' | grep 'ERROR' | grep 'CI' | wc -l`)) = 0 ] to test for: "May 22 00:49:45 freddy vdr: [9061] ERROR: can't write to CI adapter on device 1: Input/output error " messages
and then: "while [ $((`tail -n $LINES /var/log/messages | grep 'dvb_ca adapter 1: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully' | wc -l`)) = 0 ]" to test it's recovered
Does anyone have any better suggestions???
Ideally, I'd like a way to "ask vdr" the status of the CAM from a script. I know this is available on the OSD by going into the "SETUP > CAM" menu where the CAM is displayed as "CAM Ready", "CAM Present" or "Alhpacrypt" but I need to do this outside the OSD.
Any ideas?