No! Let's not lose momentum on VDR moving forward. I am intrigued as to whether this move towards TS will improve performance for my H264 channels.
BTW, vompserver (CVS) / epgsearch etc all work with latest VDR and multiproto. I use it here.
On Feb 3, 2008 1:25 PM, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 02/03/08 13:36, Ales Jurik wrote:
On Sunday 03 February 2008, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
So, here's the straw poll:
Should there be a stable version 1.6.0 now, based on what's in version 1.5.14, but without DVB-S2 or even H.264 support?
Yes or No?
Hi Klaus, I vote for DVB-S2/H.264 (HDTV) support. But if it is a problem with some distros could it be there time-compile switch to choose which drivers to use?
The developer version will only support one driver API officially, and that's the "multiproto" API.
I thing it would be disadvantage to leave at whole such a well prepared part of vdr.
It wouldn't be left out of the developer version (which would then be numbered 1.7.x).
The question was whether there is enough demand for a stable version *now*, based on what is in version 1.5.14, but without the switch to DVB-S2 (and thus the "multiproto" driver).
So far there have been 19 votes here on the list, 11 No and 8 Yes.
I have asked the same question over on, and there the situation looks a lot different: 90 votes, 70 Yes, 20 No.
For the final result all votes given here on the ML and on will be added up.
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