El Martes, 31 de Mayo de 2005 22:20, Andreas Regel escribió:
here is a first release of the pvrinput plugin for VDR. It uses a Hauppauge PVR card (supported by ivtv drivers) as an input device for VDR. I am using it with driver version 0.2.0rc3j and encoder firmware 2.04.211.
I have written this plugin because I was a bit unhappy about some things with analogtv. Motivated by a mail from Lars Altenhain on this list I tried an approach a bit different from the analogtv plugin. The reading of the PES data an the conversion to TS is done in a thread in the background without interrupting it on channel switch. The packets are then read out and delivered to VDR in the GetTSPacket function.
Additionally the plugin reads the teletext data from the vbi device (/dev/vbi0 is hardcoded at the moment) and converts it to TS packets that the osdteletext plugin is able to receive. Sometimes one or two lines are wrong but its working quite good here.
Compared to the analogtv plugin the following is better here with my configuration (Hauppauge PVR 250, Kernel 2.6, ivtv 0.2.0rc3j):
- Faster channel switching
- no video flickerung after channel switch
- just minimal stuttering in sound after channel switch
- and of course teletext support
Expect problems to get it running in your environment, especially regardings device configuration :).
You can find it here: http://home.arcor.de/andreas.regel/files/vdr-pvrinput-0.0.1.tgz
It works fine. I make a patch to append radio support. Perhaps you could integrate better way. For radio channels video pid = 0 in channels.conf The patch in ivtv.h is for amd64 vbi support. Thanks. Jose Alberto