On 05/09/2009, VDR User user.vdr@gmail.com wrote:
I'm not sure why you think vdpau is stupid if you want an HD stb. Using vdpau gives you the ability to have HD on systems that normally wouldn't have a chance at all, and it provides this at a very lost cost. The cheapest I've paid so far is $20 ($30-$10 MIR) for an 8400GS pci-e. So for a mere $30 on average, your old system that couldn't handle HD now can. Stupid is the last thing I would describe that as.
Which gentoo overlay are you using for vdpau enabled xine-lib? I assume you need xine-lib-1.2 and vdr-xine or vdr-xineliboutput with vdpau enabled? Which driver version of nvidia do you require and which version of Xorg and xcb?
Thanks in advance. Theunis