Upgraded a bunch of stuff (vdr -> 1.7.28, xinelib -> latest from hg) and I've lost my transparent OSD (ST:TNG) when using vdr-sxfe. What is it that controls the transparency of the OSD? Does vdr overlay the OSD onto the video, or is it sent as a separate layer somehow to the output device and the output device decides how to merge? I would like to know if I need to concentrate on vdr config or xine config.
vdr command:
vdr -v /data/video -c /var/lib/vdr --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins -r /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction -s /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-shutdown-message -E /var/cache/vdr/epg.data -u vdr -g /tmp --port 2001 --lirc -P "streamdev-server -r /usr/bin/externremux.sh" -P "xineliboutput --local=none --primary" -P vnsiserver --vfat -w 60"
/usr/bin/vdr-sxfe xvdr+tcp:// --video=xv --post=tvtime:method=Greedy2Frame,enabled=1 --fullscreen --syslog --verbose --reconnect