Frank Schmirler schrieb:
On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 15:31:21 +0100, jori.hamalainen wrote
PCH itself supports multiple audio (and subtitle) tracks at least on other formats - but I believe that with VDR it might not be working. I need to test this more when I get back to my PCH.
I don't know if this URL recommendation is because of the initial tests made by some guys where they received video but not audio. I think this +1 as a default might become a problem with channels with multiple sound tracks. Maybe there could be additional feature that do not automatically add +1 if count.apid > 1?
As of PES, without a "+audio_pid_index" all audio and dolby pids will be streamed. So on a channel with only one audio pid, a "+1" won't make any difference. For channels with multiple audio/dolby pids, the streamdev html page already contains specific links for each. Look for the <a>-tags with class apid and dpid respectively. Rather add the vod/prebuf/tvid attributes there.
With ES it's obvious that you get either video or audio, never both at the same time. By default (without +index) you get the video pid. If there is none (radio channel) you get the first audio pid.
According to an open bug report, PS actually sends PES.
Finally TS normally doesn't consider the actual audio pid. It streams most relevant pids (not only audio and video) according to the PMT. This format should be the best choice. It may not have worked by the time the guy at the NMT forum tried the first time, as streamdev didn't have a PAT repacker by that time. It is part of streamdev 0.3.4. Have you tried TS?
The TS from the streamdev is not recognized by the PCH (neither SD nor HD). I tried to remux SD through vlc and this works quite well. I assume that the PCH only supports a certain "flavour" of TS packets because if you remux HD material with a TS-Remuxer for the PCH (see or ) it works. Maybe it would be a solution to patch the streamdev plugin in a way that it generates a TS valid for the PCH.
- Added suffix for URL (TS w/ "C-123-123-123.ts or S-12-123-123.ts",
".ps", ".vdr" for PES and ".mpeg" for ES, extern no suffix)
I wonder why these are needed?
I think PCH uses filename based analyzing for stream type recognition. It was at the web forum above that URL like "/PES/*.vdr" should work.
I doubt that *.vdr is known as an official filename extension for PES files. Maybe any (possibly otherwise unknown) extension would do? Could you verify that?
PCH supports VDR recordings since firmware 080221. The VDR PES format is not really "detected" but the *.vdr extension is used to recognize it.
So I guess if you see it possible to add this into tree - please do it. But if you see adding filename suffix a bad decision then don't. For my own experiments I can do this patching manually. And the patch is already out there for interested people to find.
Filename suffixes have already been suggested a while ago. I'd be fine with them if they are necessary.
Now the problem is that h.264 streaming is not working. It should happen via TS-container? And for this probably streamdev should be modified. I cannot tell why it is not working as PCH does not give any clue on it. Just returns to menu.
It is a problem of the TS itself, if you remux it with TS-Doctor or TS4Np it works quite well (see above).
Haven't checked if the PES remuxer actually supports h.264. TS would be a better choice anyway.
Good luck, Frank
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