Приветствую, Simon
may be you will happy with http://trac.xbmc.org/browser/branches/pvr-testing2/xbmc/pvrclients/vdr-vnsi/...
Is this likely to replace the XBMC streamdev interface? I can find very little on the web about this "vnsi" and there's few helps or documentation yet.
First attempt, I'm getting these errors on the VDR console with vnsi: NSI Server started Client with ID 0 connected: Welcome client '' with protocol version '1' ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR Action - processPacket exited with fail ERR read - cxSocket::read: read() error at 0/4 ERR Action - THREAD ENDED-------------------------------- Client with ID 0 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
I can see recordings on the VDR server, but the above errors occur when I try and watch live-TV.
I'm starting VDR with just -P'vnsiserver'
What does "processPacket exited with fail" mean?