Am 29.07.2013 16:23, schrieb Gerald Dachs:
Are you aware that a restful plugin already exists?
Using svdrp is not a good idea, because of conflicts with other plugins that might use it to the same time (epgsearch)
I'm sorry if my description was misleading.
I'm not writing any plugins. I'm writing a Python library (and scripts on top of it) that wraps VDR and some plugins (e.g. EPGsearch). The library currently uses SVDRP and VDR's files to access VDR data. I'm aware of the RESTful plugin. Using it would be an additional way to access VDR that could be added later on.
In order to write unit tests for my library, I'm seeking a way to setup VDR in a well-defined state against which the tests can be run.