Magnus Andersson wrote:
Thank you for the answer Udo but I do not understand a stacktrace.
I did not manage to get it crash with only osdteletext but it changed channel to the first one ten times in a row. After I used ttxtsub it crashed the first time.
What VDR version did you use? Still the 1.3.18-27 you've mentioned? This sounds like some distri with LOTS of patches. And this:
#9 0x080d2f25 in ~cRemux (this=0x83962d0) at remux.c:868
... the original remux.c of 1.3.18 had only 641 lines...
Sorry I should have written 1.3.18 to 1.3.27 instead. There is a few patches applied to vdr and I reinstalled vdr with a minimum of patches that I need.
vdr-1.3.25 vdr-1.3.20-sc.diff subtitles-3.7-ttxtsub-0.0.5.diff ( changes remux.c )
To really understand the trace, we need the exact source code. If possible, try to update to a newer VDR version, as there were massive changes especially in remux.c where the crash seems to come from.
#7 0xb7d0f8bf in free () from /lib/ #8 0x080d1dd8 in ~cTS2PES (this=0x3a1a) at remux.c:488 #9 0x080d2f25 in ~cRemux (this=0x83962d0) at remux.c:868
this=0x3a1a looks rather short for a dynamic pointer, or? Maybe some pointer got corrupted in cRemux?
I think I found the problem but no solution. If I move my subscription card (DVB-S) from the cardserver and use it on localhost with a cardreader the problem is gone. The problem seems to be cardclient implemetation with sc plugin. Strange that it works with vdr-xine plugin. No problem with FF card without osdteletext and ttxtsubs. Most of the time it changes to an FTA channel and in that case I will not recieve a core dump. I am not an gdb expert and I don't know how to debug when it stays alive. When vdr is using encrypted channel on dvb-s and a scheduled recording on dvb-t starts it changes to first channle (FTA) and no recording is beeing made.
Thank you for your help Udo!
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