I recently upgraded to VDR from 1.4 to 1.6.0 and sadly there is a regression from a bug which was fixed in VDR 1.4.1. The problem is described (with patches) in this thread:
The changelog entry of the fix:
2006-08-13: Version 1.4.1-4
- Changed the way a device is selected for receiving in order to keep devices with CAMs better available, even if this means recording on the primary device (reported by Jörn Reder; thanks to Anssi Hannula for improving handling Transfer Mode devices in this).
With vdr 1.4 this worked perfectly, now with 1.6 VDR always prefers my Budget CI card for recordings so I can't view any Pay TV when a recording is active.
Obivously I vote for changing 1.6 to the old behaviour again ;)