For those who might be interested. I've fixed epgfixer plugin to work with VDR-2.3.1. The patch is here:
I've been running it with VDR-2.3.1 for several months. It builds OK against 2.3.2.
On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 09:17:15AM +1300, Richard Scobie wrote:
Just wanted to draw attention to this thread at vdrportal for anyone who is discouraged from trying the 2.3.x vdr due to plugins not working.
Or, for English only speakers:
Klaus has very generously jumped in and updated some and more are sure to follow.
Anyone wanting extra skin capabilities, I have found SkinFlatPlus to work well.
Have been running vdr 2.3.2 + dvdhddevice, femon, dvd, dvdswitch, streamdev-server and skinflatplus without problems for a couple of weeks now.
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