Am Donnerstag, den 01.03.2012, 15:31 +0100 schrieb Gero:
On Thursday 01 March 2012 - 10:31:37, Paul Menzel wrote:
On Thursday 01 March 2012 - 07:03:03, VDR User wrote:
I just want to throw in, that there are several programs already using a client/server approach (MythTV [1], Tvheadend [2], …) and we should not reinvent the wheel when designing the new implementation.
I'd like to oppose headline and last statement.
"We" can do better, so let's go ahead :)
It looks like my message was not clear enough. I meant we should look at what other projects implemented and tried and take the good ideas and use those. So of course the result will probably be better.
But cooperation like on using already existing protocols would be a big advantage, because in this way already existing clients or servers can be used to or tested against.