Vom: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 23:42:30 +0200
On 05.04.20 19:53, Daniel wrote:
Meaning, when field 11 in channels.conf is 1 it is free and if it's != 1 it's encrypted?
That is my understanding of man 5 vdr
Hm, how do you read it's field 11 from man 5 vdr? It totally confused me since the CHANNELS section mentions from left to right documentation of fields:
Name, Frequency, Parameters, Source, Strate, VPID, APID, TPID, Conditional access, SID, NID, TID and RID
which would make field 11 the NID and field 9 the conditional access field.
My channels.conf has 13 fields. An example line would be
SWR RP HD;ARD:330000:C0M256:C:6900:5131=27:0;5132=deu@106,5133=mis@106:5134;5135=deu:0:10304:1:1051:0
So if it's field 9, then
cut -d":" -f1,9 /etc/vdr/channels.conf | grep -E ':0$'
should display only free channels, but it also displays
Eurosport360HD 5,Eurosp360 5;SKY:378000:C0M256:C:6900:0:0:0:0:310:133:4:0
(complete line) for example.
If it's field 11, then only free channels are listed but some free channels are missing, like
PHOENIX HD;ARD:474000:C0M256:C:6900:581=27:0;582=deu@106,583=mul@106:584:0:10331:61441:10009:0
Is something wrong with my file? Kodi can show PHOENIX HD and can't decrypt Eurosport360HD 5
I'm not sure if it's ok to paste my complete channels.conf for clarification to the list (if that helps). It has 463 lines.
Regards, Daniel