Hi Klaus,
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
Maybe there's a problem with your multiswitch? When the second or third device changes the transponder, there shouldn't be any interference with the first device.
I don't know. But the switching did occur before this patch, too, didn't it? I'll investigate further.
The EPG scan hasn't changed by this patch, so there shouldn't be a difference in that area with or without the patch.
The problem has gone with the latest patch. I'd guess, it was the massive logging, when retuning, but the card was not running in transfer mode.
So, whatever it was, vdr nearly runs as expected. But sometimes, probably when the audio format changed, there is a sort of ... sorry, it's difficult to describe even in german, so I don't try it in english.
Gurgeln, aber zwei Oktaven höher. Oder Rascheln. Irgendwas dazwischen.
It's about as loud as the normal tone. About one second long.