On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Simon Baxter linuxtv@nzbaxters.com wrote:
To be fair to my comment above, I've had audio sync problems with live TV on all versions above vdr-xine-0.8.0 which is why I've never been able to run a newer version in production. I've had several posts on this and tried everything anyone has suggested - but after an hour or my wife banging on about the poor quality, always downgrade back to VDR-1.6.0 and VDR-XINE-0.8.0
So I don't think my problems are related to VDPAU or VDR-1.7.x.
Maybe your problem is an outdated alsa or something like that? I use vdpau with vdr-1.7.10 and xine-0.9.3 with no sync problems. I also didn't have to edit ~/.xine/config as the default settings worked fine. I agree your issues are elsewhere then vdr or vdpau.