Am Mittwoch 18 Juni 2008 schrieb Peter Evertz:
I want to disable the check, for invalid channels in channels.conf I just don't care, if a channel is not "tuneable".
in config.h, in the function "bool Load()" at about line 123 (vdr 1.4.7) uncomment 2 lines: else { esyslog("ERROR: error in %s, line %d", fileName, line); delete l; //RC: we do not want to exit vdr just because of a simple error //result = false; //break; } } } this will cause vdr to go on starting even if an error accours in a config file and increase waf. ;)
Are you sure that your fix will increase the WAF ? I don't know if VDR works correctly with a "broken" channels list.
It is not broken, as the questionable entry is deleted again (delete l;) when parsing it. So happens for all configuration files. You can do a 'cat /dev/random > /etc/vdr/channels.conf' and the vdr still comes up. This way it is prevented that the vdr hangs inside a boot-loop.
cu, tim