On Samstag, 13. August 2005 19:07, Henrik Niehaus wrote:
hi, im trying to create a vdr-client on my workstation. i have: vdr 1.3.25 softdevice-0.1.2
i compiled vdr and the plugins without error. then i have started vdr with this command:
vdr --video=/video --epgfile=/etc/vdr/epg.data --config=/etc/vdr --lib=/usr/lib/vdr -P"softdevice -vo xv: -L /usr/lib/vdr" -P"streamdev-client"
and that worked fine, too. i had video and audio output including epg info. after closing this window and restarting vdr, i got the xv window with epg data, but no video and no audio. i have rebooted both, my workstation and the vdr-host. still the same problem. any clue?
Without server and client logs it is hard to make a guess. Knowing something about your serverhardware would be helpfull too (FullFeatured vs budget, ..).