I've tested the new fw also and no sync problems has occurred.
Although I was hoping that this would have corrected my stuttering problem also. Every now and then replayed video stops for a second or so and begins stuttering for some seconds and then continues normally. With earlier fw it usually caused A/V sync problem but now syncing is fine. This is not repeatable meaning that the problem does not occur if I rewind (or jump) and replay the same moment. Some time ago I had a PIII 550MHz system and in it the stuttering could continue indefinitely (or in the end of the recording :). After an upgrade of hw (new mb and amd 3000+ sempron) the stuttering lasts only a few seconds.
I have vdr-1.4.4, FF card (v2.1), subtitle plugin and burn plugin.
-----Original Message----- From: vdr-bounces@linuxtv.org [mailto:vdr-bounces@linuxtv.org] On Behalf Of Marco Skambraks Sent: 22. tammikuuta 2007 11:31 To: vdr@linuxtv.org Subject: Re: [vdr] FF card A/V sync - in progress?
hi, now, I tested the new firmware it looks good - fast-forward and jumps in the dvd-plugin is now working almost perfect
receiving and replaying recordings is working correctly
I use a tt c2300 (nexus-ca)
thanks Werner and Oliver - good job guys :-)
On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Oliver Endriss wrote:
Oliver Endriss wrote:
Marco Skambraks wrote:
are there any new information about the FF a/v sync problem? is the firmware development still in progress?
Sorry, no success yet.
Werner fixed the A/V sync problem. Please test firmware f12623. See
VDR Remote Plugin 0.3.9 available at http://www.escape-edv.de/endriss/vdr/
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AMMEC - Accessible Multimedia Entertainment Center
http://www.ammec.de Email: Marco Skambraks marco@ammec.de
vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr