By looking at the log I found that there has not been any removing after april 30th. As if the change of mont would have something to do with it.
The reason I noticed this was the fact that diskspace was running out even though there were not so many recordings on the disk (according to vdr).
- Kartsa
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sergei Haller" To: "Klaus Schmidinger's VDR" Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:20 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] VDR not removing recordings
On Tue, 3 May 2005, Jouni Karvo (JK) wrote:
JK> JK> Kartsa writes: JK> > For a few days now vdr has not been deleting recordings from the JK> > harddisk. They are deleted using osd and the name has properly JK> > changed from .rec to .del but the files stays. And there is no hint JK> > in log about why this is happening. JK> > JK> > Any ideas? JK> JK> The .del files are normally deleted when the disk is full. Is it? JK>
no. as soon as VDR isn't busy for a couple of minutes.
c ya Sergei --