On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 12:14 +0200, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
Mlists wrote:
I downloaded vdr-xine-0.7.9 and installed it with no problem. I first ran it without the xine-network patch and it worked fine. After applying the patch, it doesn't create the tmp files and I cannot connect to it.
I'm using vdr-1.4.0. . I compiled xine-lib and xine-ui over again and re-downloaded everything but nothing. When I start VDR all I get is: ./vdr -Pxine -Ptext2skin -Pyaepg
MakePrimaryDevice: 1
SetVideoFormat: 0 frame: (0, 0)-(-1, -1), zoom: (1.00, 1.00) SetVolumeDevice: 250
Nothing else --- can I increase debuggging to help figure out what's going on?
Well, I'm not really used to the network patch, although I plan to integrate this functionality into release 0.8.0. At the moment I'm busy with other things and didn't find time to look at the network patches in detail.
As you wrote above, the patched vdr-xine does no longer create the FIFO files in the file system. So you have to choose a different MRL for xine to have it connect to vdr-xine via TCP/IP.
As far as I recall, the xine MRL looks like that:
I did try the vdr-socket based MRL and the regular MRL for xine. I should point out, all works great without the network patch.