At first I thought it was a missing case in this code block:
if (end - start + 1 > 0) { //Dprintf("context: %s\n", context[context.size() -
1].c_str()); if (context[context.size() - 1] == "text" || context[context.size() - 1] == "marquee" || context[context.size() - 1] == "blink" || context[context.size() - 1] == "scrolltext") { if (!object->mText.Parse(text.substr(start, end
- start
- 1))) return false; } else esyslog("ERROR: Bad character data"); } return true;
Why a missing case?
You are right, I misread the code. It seems that one of the four context types is not parseable. Since I only get two "Bad character data" error messages during the initial startup of VDR, I am guessing the problem has to do with the skin.
Not to change the subject about the issue above, but would it also be possible to add the left/right scrolling back to the new menu display items (ie; current recordings and next timer)?
I don't think that is too nice to look at ... especially if you have 2 or more recordings which are srolling in all directions (due to the different length of the text). And an additional keypress to go into the timers-menu if it is unclear what is getting recorded seemes not too tiresome to me. Don't you agree?
IMHO, I think that if any text on the screen is cut off, it is better to allow scrolling. Text that is cut off just does not appear aesthetic to me. Does scrolling increase CPU usage very much?