Am 07.09.2012 12:33, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
On 06.09.2012 21:09, Manuel Reimer wrote:
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Attached is a revised version of the patch, as I intend to adopt it in version 1.7.30.
Didn't try it, so far, but I had a look at it and maybe, I've found a small problem:
+# By default VDR requires only one single directory to operate: VIDEODIR = /video -CONFDIR = $(VIDEODIR) +# See Make.config.template if you want to build VDR according to the FHS ("File system Hierarchy Standard")
- @cp *.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
For me this seems like "install-conf" does not longer work if FHS is *not* used, as "CONFDIR" is not defined without the FHS mode enabled?
Mabe this would help:
--- Makefile 2012/09/01 13:22:33 2.28 +++ Makefile 2012/09/07 10:31:35 @@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ DEFINES += -DPLUGINDIR="$(PLUGINLIBDIR)" DEFINES += -DLOCDIR="$(LOCDIR)"
- # The version numbers of VDR and the plugin API (taken from VDR's
VDRVERSION = $(shell sed -ne '/define VDRVERSION/s/^.*"(.*)".*$$/\1/p' config.h)
Please let me know if this should be added.
Hmm, CONFDIR ist already defined in the Makefile.