Hi All,
Sometimes I watch a TV show halfway. Then I let VDR shutdown my PC. Then I would like to watch the rest of the show. Then I have to go to the list of TV shows, and find the correct one again.
In my opinion it would be easyer for me if the half-watched shows are placed at the top of the list with TV shows. Does such an option exist? How should recordings in a sub-folder be handled? Should those be moved to the top of the list, or copied, or a shortcut be made? I would like to see a shortcut.
I would also like to see that VDR remembers the current position in the list of recordings. This is already the case during a vdr-sxfe session, but not when vdr has been restarted. After a restart, VDR goes to the top of the list.
Or I should not have so many recordings :-)
Best regards, Cedric