On 11.05.19 09:02, Frantisek Rysanek wrote:
... Yes, VDR, when started with vaapidevice, does ask me to press some keys on my remote to "detect the protocol". Except that I probably don't have a compatible remote for the mygica, or maybe the mygica "input device" in xinput does not count as a "LIRC remote", or I don't have lircd running, or its config is empty, or some such.
If you put these lines in your 'remote.conf', you should be able to control VDR with vaapidevice via the keyboard:
XKeySym.Up Up XKeySym.Down Down XKeySym.Menu m XKeySym.Ok Return XKeySym.Back BackSpace XKeySym.Left Left XKeySym.Right Right XKeySym.Red F1 XKeySym.Green F2 XKeySym.Yellow F3 XKeySym.Blue F4 XKeySym.0 0 XKeySym.1 1 XKeySym.2 2 XKeySym.3 3 XKeySym.4 4 XKeySym.5 5 XKeySym.6 6 XKeySym.7 7 XKeySym.8 8 XKeySym.9 9 XKeySym.Info i XKeySym.Channel+ k XKeySym.Channel- j XKeySym.Audio a XKeySym.Subtitles s XKeySym.User1 F5 XKeySym.User2 F6 XKeySym.User3 F7 XKeySym.User4 F8 XKeySym.User5 F9 XKeySym.User6 F10