I am sure it has something to do with North American systems, it happens with regular or AC3 audio. And doesn't seem to matter on the channel. Doesn't affect live at all just on playback. And as mentioned, if you use Mplayer or such all is fine. Only if you are playing back via the default VDR playback through the card. The fix is always to rewind just a sec and start playing again and usually you are good, till the next desync heh.
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
C.Y.M wrote:
Since it has been several years now and I have never been able to solve the a/v desync issues with my Nexus-S FF card when playing back recordings...
I'm replaying many recordings (actually most of what I watch are recordings ;-) and don't even remember when was the last time I had an A/V desync.
Are you getting this with recordings from particular channels, or does it happen all the time? Also, is this with MPEG audio or AC3?
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