Dominique Simon wrote:
MPEG2, I've discovered a bug in cVideo/AudioRepacker::Repack():
With VDR 1.3.31 i have these lines in the log sometimes when doing recordings:
Aug 29 17:14:45 linvdr user.err vdr[1501]: cAudioRepacker: skipped 59 bytes to sync on next audio frame Aug 29 17:14:45 linvdr user.err vdr[1501]: cAudioRepacker: skipped 91 bytes to sync on next audio frame Aug 29 17:14:45 linvdr user.err vdr[1501]: cAudioRepacker: skipped 124 bytes to sync on next audio frame
What does this mean? Are the recordings now corrupted? What went wrong?
Well, let's first assume that there is no further bug left in cAudioRepacker.
Then this means, that there was a little distortion of the received data which had an influence on 3 audio frames. These broken frames didn't make it into the recording, as no decoder would be able to play them. So, your recording is not currupted, but it misses 3 (non decodeable) audio frames. A decoder will be going to fill these gaps (depending on bit and sample rate, each about 24 ms) either with silence or by repeating the previous audio frame.
Please keep in mind, that broadcasting is a one way data transmission. When an error happens on the transmission channel which cannot be fixed by the correction logic, then you'll be going to record it. The only difference to VDR-1.3.30 is that you now get informed about this issue.