Quoting VDR User:
While we're on the topic of adjusting the Makefile.. I propose the following change to install-plugins:
old: @cp --remove-destination $(PLUGINDIR)/lib/lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION) $(PLUGINLIBDIR)
new: @cp --remove-destination $(PLUGINDIR)/lib/*.$(APIVERSION) $(PLUGINLIBDIR)
The difference is copying *.$(APIVERSION) rather then lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION). The reason is because not all plugins use the same naming (softdevice for example) and this minor adjustment would eliminate the need to edit the Makefile for this with every new version of vdr, or having to manually copy them to the install dir. Also I see no reason against it since we keep the APIVERSION.
Which libs of softdevice are not matched by the "old" style ?
Softdevice targets usually are:
TARGETS = libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so
and (with subplugins): TARGETS += lib$(PLUGIN)-xv.so TARGETS += lib$(PLUGIN)-dfb.so
which are finally installed to:
And this should be match by : "lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION)"
And also the following change to clean-plugins:
old: @-rm -f $(PLUGINDIR)/lib/lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION)
new: @-rm -f $(PLUGINDIR)/lib/*.$(APIVERSION) @-rm -f $(PLUGINLIBDIR)/*.$(APIVERSION)
Again using *.$(APIVERSION) instead of lib*-*.so.$(APIVERSION), and also if we're going to clean plugins from the source dir, it seems fitting to clean the installed ones as well since it's the expect behavior from most users I've observed.
Stefan Lucke