Well, if there are buffer overflows and the TS data is corrupted, it's no wonder the index file stops growing.
Does this happen on all channels, or only on some (or even only on a particular one)?
Additional infos:
I recompiled older versions beginning at 1.7.3 and made some tests.
1.7.3 acts exactly like 1.7.4 one record -> bufferoverflow The native networkthroughput is between 2,8-3,7 Mega Bytes /s for one stream. -> Much to high I think!
1.7.2 seems to be o.k. one record -> no problem -> throughput is between 0,8-1,2 MB/s two records -> no problem -> throughput is between 1,8-2,6 MB/s three records -> no problem -> throughput is between 2,8-4,0 MB/s four records -> PES pkt shortened -> throughput is between 3,8-5,4 MB/s
All tested while using the "slower" NFS share.
Why does one TS stream require a three times higher bandwidth in 1.7.3/1.7.4 than a PES stream in 1.7.2 do?
I think we're getting closer to the problem :-)
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