On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 11:40:42PM +0200, Udo Richter wrote:
This is not how its supposed to be.
Since 1.5.1, VDR remembers the planned wakeup time in setup.conf as NextWakeupTime. (You can convert the number to human-readable with perl -e "print scalar time(xxxxxxxxxxxx)") On next wakeup, VDR checks if the next timer event is within 10 minutes of the remembered time. If the remembered time is not 'now', VDR assumes manual start and should stay awake for MinUserInactivity minutes.
Oh, that's a really bad way of doing things for me : it seems my vdrwatchdog initiate a "initializing full VDR restart".
I only got those "problem" needing a restart of vdr at boot, so the new implementation will never work for me.
Is there an easy way to have the 1.4.x way which always worked for me ?