2007/1/7, Arthur Konovalov kasjas@hot.ee:
Hi. I noticed that dvb subtitles not recorded with video. Can anyone confirm that it works?
I have a similar setup and yes, DVB subtitles are recorded. I don't use ttxtsubs at all (only the DVB ones).
However, I have noticed that recently, on some recordings, there are long pauses for subtitles (1-5 minutes, haven't taken time actually) and then suddenly all (?) subtitles that should have been shown previously are shown for about 0.1s each, and then subtitles resume normally. More specifically, I had this problem with Cold Lazarus series that I recorded from YLE Teema on 28.12.2006, and possibly with some others IIRC. But it doesn't bother me much, so I didn't note which recording it was.
This is similar to the behavior I have always got when I jump in a recording with dvb subtitles, but then the pause is usually ~30s, max. 1 minute. It is as if the subtitles are in blocks and displaying them can only resume at the end/start of a block.
My environment: Slackware-11.0, kernel 1.6.19, vdr-1.4.4-3 with vdr-1.4.4-liemikuutio-1.13.diff, vdr-1.4.4-subtitles-0.4.0-and-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.diff
I have : - Gentoo - kernel 2.6.19 - probably you too ;) - VDR 1.4.4_p2 - skinelchi - subtitles-0.4.0 - (and ttxtsubs-0.0.5_p2, but I don't use them) - loads of other plugin, for example dxr3
ProjectX demux not detect dvb subtitles too.
I have never tried projectX or any other means to convert the recordings made by VDR to other formats. But I'd guess this could be a ProjectX issue, but if VDR can't replay subtitles from your recording, then theres something wrong with your setup (a missing patch or something). I strongly recommend using Gentoo for VDR.