On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Doesn't the "EPG bugfix #7" already take care of this: // Some channels put the same information into ShortText and Description. // In that case we delete one of them: ... Maybe you have disabled the "EPG bugfix level" setup option?
I have "EPG bugfix level" set to 3. The point is - ShortText and Description are near the same - one of them is a few characters longer. Perheaps it would be better to compare only a few first characters? I have sugested 8 - if both text starts from the same word(s), they its very probably, its near the same.
Or... strncmp(ShortText,Description, strlen(ShortText)>strlen(Description)?strlen(Description):strlen(ShortText))
Boguslaw Juza