Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:
Udo Richter wrote:
I really don't get the point why it is necessary to totally rewrite VDR core to support multiple frontends (surely loosing compatibility to almost all plugins), when it will at the end just start one thread per frontend, while we can already start one VDR instance per frontend right now.
at least the /video directory that is shared across multiple vdr instances that know nothing about each other is a single race-condition on its own.
vdr in a massive client server configuration is a giant hack with many pieces each with its own little problems summing up.
vdr mailing list
You're right. I would like a setup where there's one master vdr that does all the recording and has access to the dvb cards. The slaves can start and watch recordings on the master vdr, and watch live tv of course. Then I'd be happy. Streamdev is almost there, but not all the way. I would also like to export videodir read-only but my problem is vdr won't start on a read-only videodir. /Magnus H