Eric Valette wrote:
On 28/03/2010 15:16, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
I just made a recording with a 1MB file size and cat'ed the files together. The result played just fine on my FF-DVBS card.
It indeed works with xbmc, not with smplayer. Anyway I've found a way to make it work (and now I will have only one chunk) :
ffmpeg -y -ss 00:17:00 -map 0.0 -map 0.1 -i 00001.ts -vcodec copy -sameq -acodec copy simplified1.ts ffmpeg -y -i simplified1.ts -vcodec copy -sameq -acodec copy -async 2 -f matroska 1.mkv ... ffmpeg -t 00:14:10 -y -map 0.0 -map 0.1 -i 00004.ts -vcodec copy -sameq -acodec copy simplified4.ts ffmpeg -y -i simplified4.ts -vcodec copy -sameq -acodec copy -async 2 -f matroska 4.mkv
mkvmerge --title Foo 1.mkv +2.mkv +3.mkv +4.mkv -o foo.mkv
vdr does not look for any strukture of a recorded file it just cut's when the byte conter limit for a file is reached
imho your method is not good you will loose data on the file borders wich will result in gaps and async audio
converting every file of a recording in sigle file mode will end in "open" data on start and end that will be lost so every end and start of a file means loosig a whole iframe with all following frames to the next iframe same for audio and that can get worse when audio anv video are interleaved be a "gap" i.e. audio ist 300ms later then the picture you will have a 300ms audio gap at the start aof every file