Am 21.02.2006 um 00:36 schrieb Luca Olivetti:
If the ethernet card has pxe (most integrated ethernet adapter made in the last 3-4 years, maybe more, do) you don't need to burn a rom or a cd or a floppy, you can piggy back etherboot to pxe or boot directly with pxelinux (this way you can use a normal image, no need to make an nbi image. You still have to prepare a suitable initrd though. Under mandriva there's -or there was- a package called mkinitrd-net to aid in this task).
I'm using etherboot which is booted from my VIA Epia with PXE-enabled bios. This is an snippet from my dhcpd.conf:
host epia1 { hardware ethernet 00:40:63:d3:b7:9a; fixed-address; if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient" { filename "via-rhine.zpxe"; } else if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "Etherboot" { filename "kernel-epia"; } }
So at first PXE identifys itself als "PXEClient" and the etherboot (via-rhine.zpxe) is loaded via tftp. Etherboot then identifys itself as "Etherboot" and loads the real kernel via tftp, finally. An initrd is _not_ needed if you compile all needed drivers into the kernel :-)
I wish you success! Matthias Huber