I've built RPM packages for 1.3.26. Video directory and epg file location is the same as in the 1.2.6 packages, config files are in /etc/vdr13 instead of /etc/vdr. So you can safely install 1.3 in parallel to the 1.2.6 packages. vdr contains minimal patches. the su patch, the patch to use a broadcast variable instead of sleep in cDvbPlayer and pagedown.diff from Udo Richter. I also removed the check for NPTL and vdr does run with NPTL if available. Post success stories here, this check has to go before 1.4 :-)
The packages are at
ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/misc resp. ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/x86_64/supplementary/misc
and it's mirrors.
cu Ludwig