I#e some troubles with my "new testsystem".
If I set a timer on my working VDR (vdr-1.4.5) I can see on syslog entries like:
Aug 13 17:53:28 vdr vdr: [1017] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown 1187118000 97592 46 "Dr. House" 0' Aug 18 04:21:24 vdr vdr: [1020] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown 1187426100 22416 35 "Puppentrickfilm~Ralphi~Seilbahn" 1'
But If I try to do the same on my testsystem (vdr-1.4.7) it won't work! On syslog I'll only see:
Aug 18 17:21:59 tecvdr vdr: [1916] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown 1187452313 1800 0 "" 1' Aug 18 17:40:51 tecvdr vdr: [1921] executing '/usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown 1187453445 1800 0 "" 1'
The channel-number is everytime 0 an therer's no titel - so nvram-wakeup won't work!
Any Idea?
ciao, BC