Александр wrote:
Thomas, i am not sure what this is a bug, but if to write in the section "channelInfo" (of *.skin) something like <text x1="100" x2="350" y1="-254" y2="-234" color="DB_DarkGreen" align="left" font="Sml">{ChannelSource}</text> and try to switch the channel using list separators (with keys left/right) then VDR crashes with "segmentation fault".
It's a bug. I will fix it. It seems that nobody used this token so far - since 2004. ;-)
At the same time if i change the channels from main list then token {ChannelSource} works, but displays the satellite name from sources.conf instead signal source "S36.0E" as it's written in the reference.txt. I think the point is that VDR can't simultaneously display token {ChannelSource} if using sheet list separators. I don't know what i need to write in this case (not...??? condition =...???).
You can use a conditional block as workaround until it is fixed:
<block condition="not(equal({ChannelNumber},''))"> <text x1="100" x2="350" y1="-254" y2="-234" color="DB_DarkGreen" align="left" font="Sml">{ChannelSource}</text> </block>
Regards, Tom