I demand that Clemens Kirchgatterer may or may not have written...
This is the 'official' vdr-mailing-list-etiquette-reminder. Please take this as a serious advise. [...]
s/advise/advice/ - noun, not verb :-)
E-mail formatting
Mailing list email should fit the following criteria:
- Trim quoted material to the minimum needed to clarify what you're talking about.
- Add a blank line _before_ and _after_ each quote for better readability.
Blank lines between each bullet point may help...
- Start a new thread when posting a new subject.
I think that this needs a little clarification - something like "make sure that you're not responding to an existing posting" and that just changing the subject header and deleting any quoted text is NOT enough because the message's headers will still contain references to other messages.
I also wonder whether it would be worth pairing related "do"s and "don't"s...