Petri Helin wrote:
It seems to me that VDR still fails writing the NextWakeupTime every now and then, even after I made the change described earlier. Do you have suggestions on how to shutdown properly in order to get the NextWakeupTime written to setup.conf? I run VDR as a daemon and shut it down in shutdown script by calling start-stop-daemon (I use Ubuntu Feisty).
You can try something like this for standards conformity:
int ret = SystemExec(cmd, true); if (WIFEXITED(ret) && WEXITSTATUS(ret) == 0) Setup.NextWakeupTime = WakeupTime; // Remember this wakeup time
(not tested) Or, you can try the permissive way and test for != -1, which will only catch fatal errors like fork failing.
In any case, try dumping the return value to syslog, I would really like to know what additional flag is set on the return value.