Am 06.01.2013 11:31, schrieb cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl:
Sometimes I watch a TV show halfway. Then I let VDR shutdown my PC. Then I would like to watch the rest of the show. Then I have to go to the list of TV shows, and find the correct one again.
In my opinion it would be easyer for me if the half-watched shows are placed at the top of the list with TV shows. Does such an option exist? How should recordings in a sub-folder be handled? Should those be moved to the top of the list, or copied, or a shortcut be made? I would like to see a shortcut.
I would also like to see that VDR remembers the current position in the list of recordings. This is already the case during a vdr-sxfe session, but not when vdr has been restarted. After a restart, VDR goes to the top of the list.
Or I should not have so many recordings :-)
It's possible to write a plugin "lastviewed" (if not already exist) which tracks for cStatus::Replaying and remember the replayed recodings in an internal list. With the main menu entry of this plugin you can either show the list or just replay the last recording. So no need to extend vdr-core. :)
Best regards, Cedric
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