Teemu Suikki schrieb:
2008/4/29 Steffen Barszus st_barszus@gmx.de:
There is a good UPnP server available for linux, called Fuppes:
not tried that - found mediatomb to look more interesting
I installed mediatomb now too. It is far easier to setup than fuppes, and has some extra features like http streaming.. But still doesn't work any better with PS3. :)
It could be that the mime type is flagged wrong ? Think its outside vdr not that usual to stream mpeg2-ts around ;) The TG100 is streaming it just fine, but every now and then it displays the TV stream like radio (with OSD :( )
Did you try to change the type in the webinterface of mediatomb allready ?
I wonder why the http streaming doesn't work, PS3 just reports some "server error" but logs show that it has actually connected to the stream just fine.
Maybe also the IRC of mediatomb might help