- Option to choose between RAM / HDD
I don't think that's actually necessary. Make the file-based lifebuffer feature rock-solid; if users want to have the buffer in RAM, make them mount a tmpfs for that purpose. Should lead to simpler code and, in turn, less bugs :)
I'm one of the people who will never use disk-based buffering. I simply don't want my hd constantly being hammered so RAM would be my choice and what you propose seems best afaik.
I also don't want this feature forced on you like mythtv. There should be the ability to turn it off completely.
- Option to pick the amount of memory / HDD to use
- Option to warn if you switch channel and you are watching the buffer (eg.
"You are watching from the buffer. Changing channel will delete the current buffer")
I don't see any point in this. If changing the channel flushes the buffer, you really only need to mention it once in the changelog/manual/whatever.
- Being able to rewind just by hitting the back/rewind button without
pressing Ok or something else first.
+1 IF the live buffer feature is turned on. If it's off, these keys should retain their current behavior.
- When watching the livebuffer, and you notice that you want to save the
curent progarm, you should be able to save the tv-program from either the beginning of the buffer, or then if the buffer is longer, from the beginning of where the program started. This way you will be able to save the whole progra (movie etc.)
You can already start an instant recording. I don't think incorporating buffered content into that would be too unreasonable or complex.
- Option to keep X amounts of HDD-buffers after changing channels. Then in
the recording meny would be an entry where you could watch these buffers, and possibly save them as a recording afterwards.
This doesn't really make sense to me. If you want to have recordings of multiple shows/channels, you should just create timers.
If live-buffering does find it's way into VDR, the last thing I want it to be is some big huge complex blob. If anything keep it simple & lean at first, but designed in such a way that you can build from its foundation as extra buffering features are thought up.